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As these cars near their 40's in age, a lot of the overall plastic found on these cars is becoming increasingly brittle and prone to snapping.


Due to Toyota no longer producing a myriad of parts for these vehicles, bits like the Wiper Cowl screw covers go missing and are never replaced. However, with these 3D Printed units you can finally complete that little extra touch, helping make these cars one again.


Furthermore, we makesure to give you a few spare caps just incase one goes missing or ever breaks in the future!



Made out of High Quality, UV Resistant ASA. These Screw covers with easily withstand any amount of sunlight or weathering and still hold up just like it should.


Disclaimer: Being 3D printed units, they are subject to minor imperfections due to the manufacturing process.

SW20 MR2 Wiper Cowl Screw Inserts

  • Suits:

    - Toyota MR2 SW20

  • - 2x Screw Insert tubes

    - 4x Insert Tube Caps

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